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The trip we took with Mission 25 was a life changing experience! It is important to note that the experience began before we ever stepped foot in Cambodia. Sam and Erin led excellent training sessions in the months before the trip. They covered every detail from preparing our hearts for cross cultural missions and learning basic language skills to getting the right vaccinations and having the perfect packing list. Not a single detail was left out.
Once on the ground in Cambodia, we were met by local Mission 25 partners who served as our translators and gave us pertinent information on the spiritual and practical needs on the people. Everyday was a well planned adventure where we got to see the Gospel spreading, growing in hearts, and reaching new believers. We saw the needs of the poorest of the poor being met and got to be the hands and feet of Jesus going from one village to the next. Taking a trip like this is a totally different experience emotionally, intellectually and spiritually than reading statistics in a book or seeing pictures. You will be transformed and your heart for this country and the world will be enlarged more than you can ever imagine. This trip is worth all the time you will take off, all the money you will raise, and all the effort you will put into it.
Mission 25 is passionate and prepared for the call to raise awareness, train leaders, and equip new and seasoned missionaries for reaching the needs in Cambodia!! Join them in the task at hand. Take the trip! You won’t regret it!!
- Steve + Adana

Going on a Mission 25 trip is life changing. Not just your life, but the lives of people you would normally never know existed. You walk the roads of a rough country that is oppressed by a dark past, an unclear vision, and a spiraling cycle of sin. A country that has been forgotten by most, but not forgotten by God. You become the hands and feet of Jesus to the people of Cambodia. Being able to see God set people free, bring comfort and purpose that changes people’s life’s, ends up changing you. I felt such a strong connection to Cambodia after spending time there, and with Sam and Erin. Their passion to see God move in this country is contagious, and I know it was that passion that helped inspire us to keep going every day. I don’t think there will ever be a missions trip like the one I took to Cambodia. It is truly a life changing trip.
— Zack

Cambodia is one of the most beautiful countries I have ever seen. The people are amazing and my trip there was an experience I will never forget. To be able to bring the love of God to people that may have been unreached otherwise is a humbling experience. Sam and Erin do such an amazing job at partnering with pastors and Christian leaders throughout Cambodia who are on the ground day and day out preaching the Gospel and providing care for the people of Cambodia. To come along side them and do this opens your eyes to how much God loves the least of these. He always goes after the one and we are called to do the same. While Cambodia has a tragic history its future is full of hope and love. I can’t wait to go back and definitely recommend taking a trip with Mission 25.
— Emily
My husband Aaron and I traveled with Mission 25 to Cambodia in March of 2018. I had never been on a mission’s trip in my lifetime, but my husband had gone on several. We both knew that this trip was going to be more difficult in many ways. The time, the distance, the cost, and leaving our children and life here, even for just 12 days, all seemed impossible. But impossible means God has to make a way, which is how it should be. By His grace, we stepped outside of our comfort to reach a nation on the other side of the planet with the message of Christ that would surely change lives, and it did. It changed mine. It took me out of my world and into a world where people only live for the day - while we are planning our retirements, they are planning for their next meal. They are surviving on so little, yet those with a relationship with Jesus had so much joy and contentment. The Cambodian church knew where true peace and value lies, and their gratitude was inspiring and eye-opening. Our team was able to encourage them to keep fighting the fight and gave them tools from the Word of God that they could use in that fight. For those who were living without hope inside and out, we offered them the gospel, along with practical items to bless them. By far the most difficult and shocking day was the day we visited the slums of Phnom Phen, where you couldn’t see the ground because everyone walked and lived in garbage and sewage. The sweet faces of the children are still etched vividly in my memory. My heart hurt in a new way, and I’m thankful I had the opportunity to see it with my own eyes so I would never forget and never stopping supporting and aiding those who are in poverty, in any form, any way that we can. Our time in Cambodia will forever change the way we live, and we hope and pray it blessed the people there as much as we were personally blessed.
- Aaron + Anna